Jason Chaffetz - The Puppeteers (2023) ENG

data: – 19.06.2023, 17:53
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Jason Chaffetz - The Puppeteers. The People Who Control the People Who Control America (2023) ENG
Formato: EPUB

When he left Congress in 2017, Jason Chaffetz still thought elections could save us. For generations, conservatives have hoped that freedom-loving congressional majorities could turn back the tide and restore America’s liberties and prosperity.

But now, he says, winning elections will not be enough.

Increasingly, the work of government is being done by people outside the government—unelected power brokers who are invisible to the American public but who pull the strings, set the agendas, create the incentives, and write the rules we must all live by. Using both government and non-governmental institutions, leftists have bypassed the legislative process to compel institutional compliance with partisan goals. The White House or the Congress may change hands, but the left remains in power.

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