Lydia Kendall -- The revenge of the highlander’s bride (2020)

data: – 04.03.2020, 21:51
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Lydia Kendall -- The revenge of the highlander’s bride (2020)


Determined to get back at the cunning conman that led her family to ruin, Miss Margery Briley embarks on a journey to prove his guilt. However, her quest is cut short, when she is captured by a group of Highlanders.

With recurring problems among his tenants and rising tensions between his and a neighboring lairdship, Darach McLeold, Laird of McLeold, is at an impasse. When his men bring a black-haired vixen back to his castle, he has another challenge to face: keep himself from falling in love with her.

A storm brews as people on either side of the border plot to destroy them. And they have the means to achieve it: a letter written in Darach’s father’s own hand.

With the man responsible for her family’s demise hellbent on making her his, Margery holds the key to their salvation. And the lock lies deep in Darach’s very own castle…

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