Meredith Laurence - Make it Sous Vide! Easy recipes for perfect results every time! [ENG] (2018)

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Meredith Laurence - Make it Sous Vide! Easy recipes for perfect results every time! [ENG] (2018)

Meredith Laurence - Make it Sous Vide! Easy recipes for perfect results every time! [ENG] (2018)
English | 2018 | EPUB/PDF

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Take the worry out of under- or over-cooked dishes! Best Selling author, Blue Jean Chef, Meredith Laurence has created easy recipes along with tips, techniques and cooking time charts to guide you through the exciting world of Sous Vide. Create perfectly cooked mouth-watering steak, juicy chicken, succulent fish and seafood, tender veggies plus incredible egg bites, customized yogurt, individual cheesecakes and more. From healthy to decadent the choice is yours.


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  1. | Pubblicato 29 Luglio 2018 20:26

    Libri\video in italiano sulla cucina a bassa temperatura, qualcuno ha materiale ? Grazie !

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