Joe L'erario - Wood finishing simplified. Popular woodworking [ENG] (2008)

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Joe L'erario - Wood finishing simplified. Popular woodworking [ENG] (2008)

Joe L'erario - Wood finishing simplified. Popular woodworking [ENG] (2008)
English | 2008 | EPUB/PDF

One area where woodworkers strive to gain more information is on the topic of finishing. Since finishing is one of the most important aspects to any woodworking project, it can become a frustrating process for many woodworkers regardless of skill level. Wood Finishing Simplified breaks down the various steps involved in finishing furniture, leading to better projects and less frustration. Using only the products available at local home centers, the author explains the differences in the types of stains and finishes plus step-by-step photos and clear instructions show the reader how to produce a quality furniture finish.

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