Adam Juniper - The complete guide to Drones Extended. 2nd Edition [ENG] (2018)

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Adam Juniper - The complete guide to Drones Extended. 2nd Edition [ENG] (2018)

Adam Juniper - The complete guide to Drones Extended. 2nd Edition [ENG] (2018)
English | 2018 | EPUB/PDF

If you think you need a boarding pass to fly, you're really missing out… Today, drones are everywhere. From film studios to farms, they're in the hands of photographers, commercial surveyors and racers alike. This fully illustrated book explains how drones developed, where they're going and which one you should choose. It even includes complete instructions to build both a simple drone and a super-fast FPV racer yourself. Whether you're flying indoors or out, buying or building, this book covers everything:

¦ Understand the Jargon Flying has a lot of unfamiliar terminology, but this book will make it easy to master.

¦ Business or Pleasure Every type of multicopter you might want is introduced, including explanations of which is best suited for what role.

¦ Get the Best Pictures This edition includes an extended guide to the tech and composition tricks you can use to make your pictures stand out of the pack.

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