IMDB information: /Title: Stan & Ollie (2018)
Generes: Biography, Comedy, Drama
Stanlio & Ollio (Stan & Ollie) è un film del 2018 diretto da Jon S. Baird.
La pellicola narra le vicende del celebre duo comico Stanlio e Ollio, interpretati rispettivamente da Steve Coogan e John C. Reilly, alle prese col loro tour del 1953.
Description: Laurel and Hardy, the world's most famous comedy duo, attempt to reignite their film careers as they embark on what becomes their swan song - a grueling theatre tour of post-war Britain.
Director: Jon S. Baird
Writer: Jeff Pope
Actors: John C. Reilly, Steve Coogan, Shirley Henderson, Danny Huston
Rating: 7.6
Votes: 7027
Rated: PG
Runtime: 98 min
Name: Stan.and.Ollie.2018.iTALiAN.Subbed.BRRiP.XViD.NeWZoNe
Format: avi
Dimensione: 915.51 MB
Width: 720 pixels
Height: 304 pixels
Format: xvid
Codec: xvid
Duration: 01:37:48
Bit rate: 1167 Kbps
Frame rate: 23.976 fps
Aspect ratio: 2.40:1
Audio track: 1
Codec: MPA1L3 (MP3)
Channels: 2
Bit rate: 128 Kbps
Compression: Lossy
Sampling rate: 48 Khz

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