Free Download: The Rokes - Collezione Album (2020) mp3 320 Kbps TYS

I Rokes, originariamente conosciuti come Shel Carson Combo, sono stati un gruppo di musica beat inglese, che ha raggiunto il successo in Italia, vendendo più di 5 milioni di dischi, 17 singoli 45 giri, 5 album 33 giri, contendendo con l'Equipe 84 il titolo di principale band del beat italiano.
iNFO:Artist: The Rokes | Album: Collezione Album | 2020
Genere: Beat, Pop-Rock | Tracce totali: 296 | 14:49:04 | Size: 1.98 GB
Download Format: Lossy mp3 320 Kbps VBR
CDLiST:The Rokes - 4ever (Grandi hit... e non solo) (Album, Playaudio, 2017) 320
The Rokes - 1969 Recording Session (Album, Legacy Recordings, 2019) 320
The Rokes - Bella Italia (Album, Plaza Mayor Company, Ltd., 2018) 320
The Rokes - Che mondo strano (Album, RCA Records Label, 2016) 320
The Rokes - Dal Vivo Al Teatro Parioli (1969) 160
The Rokes - Ha Algo Novo Nos The Rokes (1965) 320
The Rokes - I Grandi Successi Originali (Album, RCA Records Label, 2000) 320
The Rokes - Italian Songs (Album, RCA Records Label, 2015) 320
The Rokes - Lacrime sul cuore (Single, Plaza Mayor Company, Ltd., 2018) 320
The Rokes - Let's Live For Today - The Rokes In English 1966-1968 320 (2008)
The Rokes - The Rokes - 1965 Recording Session (Album, RCA Records Label, 2015) 320
The Rokes - The Rokes - Rarietes 1966 (Album, RCA Records Label, 2016) 320
The Rokes - The Rokes - Rarities 1967 (Album, RCA Records Label, 2017) 320
The Rokes - The Rokes - Rarities 1968 (Album, RCA Records Label, 2018) 320
The Rokes - The Rokes (Album, RCA Records Label, 2002) 320
The Rokes - The Rokes 1964 (Album, RCA Records Label, 2014) 320
The Rokes - This Is The Rokes (Collezione, 2020) mp3 320 Kbps TYS
The Rokes - Un'anima pura (Single, Black Sheep Music, 2013) 320
The Rokes - Un'anima pura (Single, Sunny Place Records, 2014) 320
The Rokes - Vik (1966) mp3 320 Kbps Con Copertine

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