1969 - 2 Oz's Of Plastic With A Hole In The Middle
1969 - Revelation
1971 - Do You Like It Here Now, Are You Settling In
1971 - Man
1972 - Be Good To Yourself At Least Once A Day
1972 - Live At The Padget Rooms Penarth (2CD)
1973 - Back Into The Future (3CD)
1974 - Rhinos, Winos, and Lunatics
1974 - Slow Motion
1975 - Maximum Darkness
1976 - Welsh Connection
1977 - All's Well That Ends Well
1992 - The Twang Dynasty
1995 - Call Down The Moon
1997 - The Dawn Of Man
2000 - Endangered Species
2002 - Undrugged
2004 - And In the Beginning… the Complete Early Man 1968-69
2006 - Diamonds and Coal
2006 - Keep on Crinting The Liberty, Ua Years Anthology
2009 - Kingdom Of Noise
2015 - Reanimated Memories