The Amorettes - Born to Break (2018).mp3 - 320 Kbps

data: – 08.04.2018, 09:04
Viste: 720
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The Amorettes - Born to Break (2018)

The Amorettes - Born to Break (2018).mp3 - 320 Kbps

Artist: The Amorettes
Album: Born to Break
Released: 2018
Style: Hard Rock
Format: MP3 320Kbps

1. Can You Feel the Fire
2. Hello and Goodbye
3. Everything I Learned (I Learned from Rock and Roll)
4. Born to Break
5. What Ever Gets You Through the Night
6. Hell or High Water
7. You’ve Still Got Rock and Roll
8. Easy Tiger
9. Bat Shit Crazy
10. Coming up the Middle
11. High on Your Energy
12. I Want It Bad

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