Mumford & Sons - Discography (2019) 320
I Mumford & Sons sono un gruppo musicale indie folk formatosi nel 2007 a Londra, composto da Marcus Mumford (voce, chitarra, batteria), Ben Lovett (voce, tastiere, pianoforte, fisarmonica) Winston Marshall (voce, chitarra, banjo, basso) e Ted Dwane (voce, basso, contrabasso, batteria).
iNFO:Artista: Mumford & Sons | Discography | Date: 2019
Genere: Alternative, Rock, Indie | Numero Di Tracce: 156 | Dimensione: 1.48 GB | Formato: mp3
Codec: MPA1L3 (MP3) | Channels: 2 | Bit rate: 320 Kbps | Bit rate mode: CBR
Compression: Lossy | Sampling rate: 44 Khz | Format: MPEG Audio
CDLiST:Mumford & Sons - An Evening Of Collaborative Music With Dharohar Project, Laura Marling And Mumford & Sons [Album] (Universal-Island Records Ltd., 2010) 320
Mumford & Sons - Babel (Deluxe Version) [Album] (V2 Records Benelux, 2012) 320
Mumford & Sons - Babel (Gentlemen Of The Road Edition) [Album] (V2 Records Benelux, 2012) 320
Mumford & Sons - Babel [Album] (V2 Records Benelux, 2012) 320
Mumford & Sons - Believe [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2015) 320
Mumford & Sons - Beloved [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2019) 320
Mumford & Sons - Delta (Reimagined by Pêtr Aleksänder) [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2019) 320
Mumford & Sons - Delta [Album] (V2 Records Benelux, 2018) 320
Mumford & Sons - Ditmas - Single [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2015) 320
Mumford & Sons - Fool You've Landed (Baio Remix) [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2016) 320
Mumford & Sons - Guiding Light [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2018) 320
Mumford & Sons - Hot Gates - Single [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2015) 320
Mumford & Sons - I Will Wait [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2012) 320
Mumford & Sons - If I Say [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2018) 320
Mumford & Sons - Johannesburg [Album] (V2 Records Benelux, 2016) 320
Mumford & Sons - Just Smoke - Single [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2016) 320
Mumford & Sons - Lover Of The Light [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2012) 320
Mumford & Sons - Si Tu Veux (Okay Shades Remix) [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2016) 320
Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More (Benelux Edition) [Album] (V2 Records Benelux, 2012) 320
Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More [Album] (V2 Records Benelux, 2012) 320
Mumford & Sons - Snake Eyes [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2015) 320
Mumford & Sons - The Wolf [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2015) 320
Mumford & Sons - There Will Be Time [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2016) 320
Mumford & Sons - Wilder Mind (Deluxe Version) [Album] (V2 Records Benelux, 2015) 320
Mumford & Sons - Wilder Mind [Album] (V2 Records Benelux, 2015) 320
Mumford & Sons - Woman (Single Version) [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2019) 320
Mumford & Sons - Wona (Jack Garratt Remix) [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2016) 320
Mumford & Sons - Wona [Single] (V2 Records Benelux, 2016) 320
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