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: Keiko Matsui - Discografia (1987-2016) .mp3 - 320 kbps
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Discografie straniere
– 12.07.2021, 12:32
AUTHOR: Keiko Matsui
АLBUM NAME: Discography
RELEASE DATE: 1987-2016
GENRE: New Age, Smooth Jazz
DURATION: 23:45:05
QUALITY: 320 kbps
Tracklist Album
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Keiko Matsui – Ancient Wind (6:22)
2. Keiko Matsui – Light Above the Trees (4:48)
3. Keiko Matsui – Harbor Wind (5:40)
4. Keiko Matsui – Mediterranean Sea (4:20)
5. Keiko Matsui – A Drop of Water (5:24)
6. Keiko Matsui – From My Window (5:11)
7. Keiko Matsui – Only Way Home (3:07)
8. Keiko Matsui – Fairy (4:34)
9. Keiko Matsui – Paper Spirit (4:49)
Keiko Matsui – Under Northern Lights (4:23)
2. Keiko Matsui – Mountain Shakedown (4:23)
3. Keiko Matsui – Secret Forest (4:29)
4. Keiko Matsui – The Morning Moon (4:32)
5. Keiko Matsui – As Far as the Eye Can See (4:39)
6. Keiko Matsui – The Ruins of Sonora (4:56)
7. Keiko Matsui – High Brow Country Affair (3:33)
8. Keiko Matsui – Walls of the Cave (5:14)
9. Keiko Matsui – Flight of the Angels (3:38)
10. Keiko Matsui – The Gate (3:52)
Keiko Matsui – The First Four Years (4:47)
2. Keiko Matsui – Light in the Rain (4:36)
3. Keiko Matsui – The White Corridor (4:42)
4. Keiko Matsui – Mover (4:42)
5. Keiko Matsui – The Wind and the Wolf (5:22)
6. Keiko Matsui – In the Mist (3:29)
7. Keiko Matsui – Three Silhouettes (5:00)
8. Keiko Matsui – Kappa (Water Elf) (4:37)
9. Keiko Matsui – Souvenir (4:40)
10. Keiko Matsui – Believer (4:36)
Keiko Matsui – Night Waltz (4:07)
2. Keiko Matsui – Moonlight Sailor (5:03)
3. Keiko Matsui – The White Gate (3:44)
4. Keiko Matsui – Eyes Were Made To Cry (4:28)
5. Keiko Matsui – Hope (4:57)
6. Keiko Matsui – Lake Of The White Owl (4:11)
7. Keiko Matsui – Where Wildflowers Grow (5:49)
8. Keiko Matsui – Grey Cliffs (4:30)
9. Keiko Matsui – Seagull (4:30)
Keiko Matsui – Rainy Season (4:48)
2. Keiko Matsui – Sail South (5:11)
3. Keiko Matsui – Walking On The Bridge (4:18)
4. Keiko Matsui – Crescendo (5:30)
5. Keiko Matsui – She Prays To The Wind (4:41)
6. Keiko Matsui – Cherry Blossom (5:02)
7. Keiko Matsui – Frontier (4:19)
8. Keiko Matsui – Foot Steps (4:08)
9. Keiko Matsui – Dawn Opener (5:29)
Keiko Matsui – Bronze Casting (4:48)
2. Keiko Matsui – Moroccan Ashes (4:32)
3. Keiko Matsui – Doll (4:37)
4. Keiko Matsui – Water Lily (5:07)
5. Keiko Matsui – Voice Of The Heart (4:31)
6. Keiko Matsui – 1942, From Russia (3:07)
7. Keiko Matsui – Postponed Summer (4:37)
8. Keiko Matsui – Eye Of The Moon (4:51)
9. Keiko Matsui – Funny Things (3:59)
10. Keiko Matsui – Sympathy (4:50)
11. Keiko Matsui – Water Lily (Solo Piano) (2:20)
12. Keiko Matsui – Doll (Solo Piano) (1:56)
13. Keiko Matsui – Morning Walk (Solo Piano) (4:19)
Keiko Matsui – Safari (4:32)
2. Keiko Matsui – Bouncing Bougainvillea (4:20)
3. Keiko Matsui – Sonora (5:40)
4. Keiko Matsui – Don’t Turn on The Light (5:41)
5. Keiko Matsui – Mission (4:37)
6. Keiko Matsui – Garden (4:19)
7. Keiko Matsui – Tears From The Sun (4:17)
8. Keiko Matsui – Spanish Galleon (4:59)
9. Keiko Matsui – Dragon Wings (4:51)
10. Keiko Matsui – Sapphire (4:52)
Keiko Matsui – Dream Walk (4:47)
2. Keiko Matsui – Bridge Over the Stars (4:20)
3. Keiko Matsui – Children of The Oasis (4:38)
4. Keiko Matsui – Fire In The Desert (4:38)
5. Keiko Matsui – Mask (4:36)
6. Keiko Matsui – Presence Of The Moon (4:17)
7. Keiko Matsui – Tribal Boat (4:32)
8. Keiko Matsui – A Cat On The Chimney (4:34)
9. Keiko Matsui – Passage (4:24)
10. Keiko Matsui – Valley (4:23)
Keiko Matsui – Hope (3:51)
2. Keiko Matsui – Light Above the Trees (5:25)
3. Keiko Matsui – Presence of the Moon (2:38)
4. Keiko Matsui – Hope (3:28)
Keiko Matsui – Mountain Shakedown (4:23)
2. Keiko Matsui – The Wind and the Wolf (5:22)
3. Keiko Matsui – Under Northern Lights (4:23)
4. Keiko Matsui – Light in the Rain (4:36)
5. Keiko Matsui – The Morning Moon (4:32)
6. Keiko Matsui – Believer (4:39)
7. Keiko Matsui – Walls of the Cave (5:14)
8. Keiko Matsui – Kappa (Water Elf) (4:37)
9. Keiko Matsui – Secret Forest (4:29)
10. Keiko Matsui – In the Mist (3:29)
11. Keiko Matsui – Souvenir (4:40)
12. Keiko Matsui – The Gate (3:54)
Keiko Matsui – Night Hawk’s Dream (4:59)
2. Keiko Matsui – Steps In The Night (4:16)
3. Keiko Matsui – Bonfire In The Piano (4:40)
4. Keiko Matsui – Southern Crossings (4:20)
5. Keiko Matsui – Legend Of The Trees (4:44)
6. Keiko Matsui – Full Moon And The Shrine (5:04)
7. Keiko Matsui – Spirit At The Corner (5:11)
8. Keiko Matsui – Toward The Sunrise (4:15)
9. Keiko Matsui – Forever, Forever (4:42)
10. Keiko Matsui – Meadow (4:18)
Keiko Matsui – Doll (4:48)
2. Keiko Matsui – Moonlight Sailor (5:06)
3. Keiko Matsui – Kappa (5:45)
4. Keiko Matsui – Bridge Over the Stars (4:40)
5. Keiko Matsui – The White Gate (5:30)
6. Keiko Matsui – Under Northern Lights (4:25)
7. Keiko Matsui – Forever, Forever (4:09)
8. Keiko Matsui – Against the Wind (4:05)
9. Keiko Matsui – Bonfire in the Piano (5:10)
10. Keiko Matsui – Safari (4:37)
11. Keiko Matsui – Light Above the Trees (6:30)
12. Keiko Matsui – The Wind and the Wolf (6:53)
13. Keiko Matsui – Walls of the Cave (5:37)
Keiko Matsui – Whisper from the Mirror (4:38)
2. Keiko Matsui – Invisible Wing (5:11)
3. Keiko Matsui – Tears of the Ocean (5:30)
4. Keiko Matsui – Between the Moons (5:29)
5. Keiko Matsui – Beyond the Light (4:26)
6. Keiko Matsui – Torches on the Earth (5:01)
7. Keiko Matsui – Dimensions (4:23)
8. Keiko Matsui – Savanna, No problem (5:10)
9. Keiko Matsui – Midnight Stone (4:29)
10. Keiko Matsui – See you there (4:18)
11. Keiko Matsui – Ever After (5:42)
Keiko Matsui – Hope (3:27)
2. Keiko Matsui – Between the Moons (5:29)
3. Keiko Matsui – Crescent Night Dream (4:42)
4. Keiko Matsui – Beyond the Light (2:48)
Keiko Matsui – Deep Blue (4:46)
2. Keiko Matsui – Water For The Tribe (5:08)
3. Keiko Matsui – Across The Sun (4:37)
4. Keiko Matsui – Trees (4:32)
5. Keiko Matsui – Mediterranean Eyes (4:15)
6. Keiko Matsui – Rose In Morocco (4:10)
7. Keiko Matsui – Moonflower (2:58)
8. Keiko Matsui – Crescent Night Dream (4:42)
9. Keiko Matsui – To The Indian Sea (4:30)
10. Keiko Matsui – Mystic Dance (3:49)
Keiko Matsui – Dream Walk (4:47)
2. Keiko Matsui – Bonfire In The Piano (4:39)
3. Keiko Matsui – Passage (4:26)
4. Keiko Matsui – A Cat On The Chimney (4:35)
5. Keiko Matsui – Toward The Sunrise (4:14)
6. Keiko Matsui – Night Hawk’s Dream (5:00)
7. Keiko Matsui – Steps In The Night (4:16)
8. Keiko Matsui – Bridge Over The Stars (4:20)
9. Keiko Matsui – Legend Of The Trees (4:43)
10. Keiko Matsui – Full Moon And The Shrine (5:02)
11. Keiko Matsui – Presence Of The Moon (4:17)
12. Keiko Matsui – Forever, Forever (4:41)
Keiko Matsui – Steps of Maya (5:45)
2. Keiko Matsui – Venus of the Sea (4:27)
3. Keiko Matsui – Moon Circle (4:51)
4. Keiko Matsui – Prism (4:57)
5. Keiko Matsui – The Next Plateau (5:20)
6. Keiko Matsui – Messenger (5:14)
7. Keiko Matsui – Deity in the Silence (4:08)
8. Keiko Matsui – The Ring (5:55)
9. Keiko Matsui – White Owl (4:46)
10. Keiko Matsui – Precious Time (3:48)
Keiko Matsui – Presence of The Moon (2:47)
2. Keiko Matsui – Water Lily (2:43)
3. Keiko Matsui – Whisper From The Mirror (4:39)
4. Keiko Matsui – Between The Moons (5:31)
5. Keiko Matsui – Light Above The Trees (6:57)
6. Keiko Matsui – Doll (2:14)
7. Keiko Matsui – Beyond The Light (2:49)
8. Keiko Matsui – Trees (3:32)
9. Keiko Matsui – Forever, Forever (4:21)
10. Keiko Matsui – See you There (4:16)
11. Keiko Matsui – Dawn (1:54)
12. Keiko Matsui – Distance (0:54)
13. Keiko Matsui – Be With Me (2:16)
Keiko Matsui – White Owl (5:06)
2. Keiko Matsui – Moonlight Sailor (5:11)
3. Keiko Matsui – Steps Of Maya (5:47)
4. Keiko Matsui – Precious Time (Solo Piano) (3:33)
5. Keiko Matsui – Kappa (5:30)
6. Keiko Matsui – Across The Sun (4:54)
7. Keiko Matsui – The White Gate (7:07)
8. Keiko Matsui – Doll (4:50)
9. Keiko Matsui – The Next Plateau (Solo Piano) (4:43)
10. Keiko Matsui – Safari (4:35)
11. Keiko Matsui – Light Above The Trees (8:42)
12. Keiko Matsui – The Wind And The Wolf (6:30)
13. Keiko Matsui – To The Indian Sea (4:34)
14. Keiko Matsui – Forever, Forever (Solo Piano) (3:17)
Keiko Matsui – Flight of the Angels (3:35)
2. Keiko Matsui – The First Four Years (4:45)
3. Keiko Matsui – Mountain Shakedown (4:21)
4. Keiko Matsui – Light in the Rain (4:31)
5. Keiko Matsui – Secret Forest (4:29)
6. Keiko Matsui – The Wind and the Wolf (5:22)
7. Keiko Matsui – The Morning Moon (4:30)
8. Keiko Matsui – The White Corridor (4:40)
9. Keiko Matsui – Under Northern Lights (4:22)
10. Keiko Matsui – Mover (4:41)
11. Keiko Matsui – Souvenir (4:38)
Keiko Matsui – Flashback (4:48)
2. Keiko Matsui – Facing Up (4:33)
3. Keiko Matsui – Sense of a Journey (4:28)
4. Keiko Matsui – Brand New Wind (4:29)
5. Keiko Matsui – Eldest of All (4:06)
6. Keiko Matsui – Reflections (4:23)
7. Keiko Matsui – White Castle (4:31)
8. Keiko Matsui – Temple of Life (3:46)
9. Keiko Matsui – Seeker (5:07)
10. Keiko Matsui – Stone Circle (4:58)
11. Keiko Matsui – Wildflower (4:19)
Keiko Matsui – Night Hawk’s Dream (5:00)
2. Keiko Matsui – Overture For The City (4:14)
3. Keiko Matsui – Across The Sun (4:36)
4. Keiko Matsui – Flashback (4:48)
5. Keiko Matsui – Mountain Shakedown (4:08)
6. Keiko Matsui – Midnight Stone (4:30)
7. Keiko Matsui – Moon Circle (4:51)
8. Keiko Matsui – Forever, Forever (4:41)
9. Keiko Matsui – Between The Moons (5:29)
10. Keiko Matsui – Tribal Boat (5:34)
11. Keiko Matsui – Water Lily (5:34)
12. Keiko Matsui – Deep Blue (4:46)
13. Keiko Matsui – White Castle (4:31)
14. Keiko Matsui – Gentle Sands (4:33)
15. Keiko Matsui – Steps Of Maya (5:45)
16. Keiko Matsui – Facing Up (4:35)
Keiko Matsui – Overture For The City (4:14)
2. Keiko Matsui – Crystal Shadow (4:06)
3. Keiko Matsui – Mountain Shakedown (4:09)
4. Keiko Matsui – Canvas (4:34)
5. Keiko Matsui – Akendora’s Clock (4:58)
6. Keiko Matsui – Walking Through It (4:37)
7. Keiko Matsui – Blue Butterfly (4:35)
8. Keiko Matsui – Gentle Sands (4:36)
9. Keiko Matsui – Walls Of Akendora (3:58)
10. Keiko Matsui – Bay Of Destiny (4:09)
Keiko Matsui – Moyo (Heart And Soul) (3:44)
2. Keiko Matsui – A Great Romance (4:05)
3. Keiko Matsui – Into The Night (4:27)
4. Keiko Matsui – Garicias (5:33)
5. Keiko Matsui – An Evening In Gibraltar (3:31)
6. Keiko Matsui – When I Close My Eyes (4:25)
7. Keiko Matsui – After The Rain (4:24)
8. Keiko Matsui – Allure (4:34)
9. Keiko Matsui – Black River (4:30)
10. Keiko Matsui – Old Potch Road (5:55)
11. Keiko Matsui – A New Day (4:12)
12. Keiko Matsui – Marula (3:19)
Secret Pond
02. Falcon’s Wing
03. Nguea Wonja
04. Bohemian Concerto
05. Embrace & Surrender
06. Awakening
07. Touching Peace
08. Affirmation
09. The
Altair & Vega
02. Frozen Lake
03. Divertimento ‘The Professor & The Student’
04. Midnight Stone
05. Invisible Wing
06. Forever Variations
07. Chorale From Cantata BWV 147
Dream Seeker (5:48)
02. Black Lion (4:03)
03. Top Secret (5:47)
04. A Night with Cha Cha (5:31)
05. Moving Mountain (2:56)
06. Antarctica – A Call to Action (5:52)
07. Soul Quest (4:12)
08. Proof (5:01)
09. Two Hearts (5:49)
10. Stingo (4:34)
Dream Seeker (6:39)
02. Black Lion (5:03)
03. Forever Forever (4:23)
04. Caricias (7:15)
05. Proof (7:08)
06. Affirmation (7:04)
07. Soul Quest (4:20)
08. Safari (4:39)
09. Stingo (4:47)
10. Bridge over the Stars (4:34)
11. Antarctica: A Call to Action (7:14)
12. A Night with Cha Cha (5:54)
13. Deep Blue (4:27)
Moving On
02. Carnival
03. The Edge Of Twilight
04. Butterfly
05. Casablanca
06. Journey To The Heart
07. Havana Nights
08. New Beginning
09. Two Harbors
10. Blue Rose
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