The Five Hundred - Ghostwriter (2025).mp3 - 320 Kbps

data: – 02.03.2025, 07:56
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The Five Hundred - Ghostwriter (2025)

The Five Hundred - Ghostwriter (2025).mp3 - 320 Kbps

Artist: The Five Hundred

Album: Ghostwriter

Released: 2025

Style: Alternative Metal / Metalcore

Format: MP3 320Kbps


1. The Death Of All We Know (feat. Siamese)

2. Rainmaker (feat. Aaron Matts of ten56.)

3. Ruin

4. New World

5. In The Dark

6. Dragged Out (feat. Charlie Rolfe of As Everything Unfolds)

7. Bodies

8. Empty Hope

9. 20 Days

10. Echoes

11. Chaos Sermon (feat. Justin Paul Hill of Sikth)

12. Where Is Our Humanity?


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