Henry Jackman – The Predator – OST (2018) .Mp3 -320Kbps

Categoria: Musica / Soundtrack
data: – 28.09.2018, 17:11
Viste: 483
Commenti: 0
Descrizione articolo

Title: The Predator
Artist: Henry Jackman
Year of manufacture: 2018
Genre: OST, Score
Country: USA
Duration: 00:54:55
Format / Codec: MP3
Bitrate audio: 320 kbps

01. Arrival
02. Discovery
03. Rory
04. Project Stargazer
05. Beautiful Specimen
06. Playing with Fire
07. Out of the Cage
08. The Loonies
09. On the Loose
10. Another World
11. Rescue
12. Apex Predator
13. Damage Control
14. The Good Soldier
15. Team McKenna
16. The Ark Ship
17. Onslaught
18. Contact
19. The Hunt
20. The Sacrifice
21. Alien Abduction
22. The Last Stand
23. Man vs. Predator
24. Remembrance
25. The Predator’s Gift

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Henry Jackman – The Predator – OST (2018) .Mp3 -320Kbps

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