Artist: Various
Album: Smallfoot (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Deluxe Edition]
Genre: Movie Soundtrack
Total Tracks: 25
Total Time: 00:01:09:46
Total Size: 173 MB
Quality: Mp3 320 kbps
01. Perfection feat. Channing Tatum
02. Wonderful Life feat. Zendaya
03. Percy’s Pressure feat. James Corden
04. Wonderful Questions feat. Zendaya, Channing Tatum
05. Let It Lie feat. Common
06. Moment of Truth feat. CYN
07. Finally Free feat. Niall Horan
08. This Is My World
09. Practice Gong
10. Plane Crash
11. Banished
12. Jumping Spider
13. The S.E.S.
14. New World
15. Migo Meets the Smallfoot
16. Bear Cave
17. Grow a Conscience
18. Up the Mountain
19. Behold, the Smallfoot!
20. Meechee and Percy
21. Public Betrayal
22. Dorgle Pep Talk
23. Where Is Meechee?
24. Village Escape
25. Clouds Lifted
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