Codec: MPA1L3 Channels: 2 Bit rate: 192 Kbps Bit rate mode: CBR Compression: Lossy Sampling rate: 44 Khz Format: MPEG Audio Format version: Version 1 Format profile: Layer 3 Format mode: Joint stereo
01. Extralarge (03:33) 02. What's Goin' On (In Brazil) (03:04) 03. Flying Carousel (02:31) 04. The Mysterious Man (02:56) 05. Piedone A Hong Kong (02:42) 06. You'd Better Smile (Cosa Vale Un Uomo) (01:14) 07. Christmas Fight (03:27) 08. The Genie (03:26) 09. Cinque Elicotteri (03:53) 10. Superfantagenio (Titoli) (03:21) 11. An Angel Around Me (04:12)