Gidon Kremer - Kremerata Baltica Mozart (2008) [DVD9 NTSC]

data: – 03.05.2020, 01:36
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Gidon Kremer - Kremerata Baltica Mozart (2008) [DVD9 NTSC]

Gidon Kremer, Marta Sudraba (violoncello), Anna Kandinskaja, Marija Nemanyte (violin), Ula Ulijona (viola), Danielis Rubinas (double bass ), Reinut Tepp (piano) , Andrey Pushkarev (percussion) Kremerata Baltica


For more than 40 years Gidon Kremer is one of the world’s foremost violinists and – thanks to his insatiable curiosity and quest for new stimuli – one of today’s most intriguing musical personalities. In 1997 he gave himself a special present for his fiftieth birthday: his own ensemble, made up of the best young musicians from the Baltic countries – his Kremerata Baltica. “For me it’s extremely important that I and my Kremerata Baltica identify with the music of our time“.

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