[ANDROID] S Tools+ Sensors And Compass v1.4 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 19.03.2014, 10:42
Viste: 915
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Un pacchetto di 5 diversi strumenti utili per il tuo dispositivo !!


S Tools+ is a pack of 5 different useful tools for your device.
These includes:
CPU frequency - keep an eye on your CPU frequencies to see at what frequency your CPU was for how much time.
Sensors - A fully featured Sensor manager for your device,see what sensors your device have with a graph showing sensor values and all the sensor details
Color Picker - Color picker helps you in finding all bout colors of an image, just select am image and touch on a point on image to find out color,hexcode and rgb values
Compass -A nice looking compass showing you the directions
Device Information - Find out information about your device like screen density and pixels.

Pro version includes location and networking tools having a fully featured location and gps manager.

S Tools+ is beautifully designed to help you make use of your device.

17 marzo 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
3.0 e superiori



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