Immergiti nella guerra come
pilota di elicottero statunitense !!
This game is an expansion pack of the Gunship-III Vietnam War series.
Features flyable A-1 Skyraider, A-4E Skyhawk and F-4B Phantom II.
Full feature U.S. Navy carrier take-off and landing with deck crew, Surface to Air Missiles for both side, Radar Warning Receiver for US's planes.
Players could play co-op or against other players on Gunship-III original and Gunship-III Vietnam People Airforce.
* 360 degrees virtual cockpit.
* Realistic avionics and weapon systems.
* Full multiplayer over the internet with live text chat.
* Support private network multiplayer.
13 marzo 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.3 e superiori
- Installare il file gioco APK
- Copiare la cartella 'com.phanovatives.gunshipIII.usnavy' in 'sdcard/Android/obb/ (crearla se non esiste)
- Avviare il gioco
- Enjoy!

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