[ANDROID] Ace Commander v1.01 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 22.03.2014, 18:19
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Ace Commander, coinvolgenti

combattimenti aerei sul tuo Android !!


The World War II in 1942.
Axis Force was in the middle of a triumphantly, Allied Force was in the age of darkness.

Germany and Japan defeated Allies with their powerful Air Force.
They have High-performance aircraft and experienced pilots.

This tough time, depending on your command of the allied commanders, the Air Force can use against the Axis military to a new squadron will be organized.
Your squadron is a mixed bag. Regardless nationality, race, what they belongs to.
Your mission is fighting with your Enemies through get the Aircraft what you need and selecting the excellent pilots.

Game Features:
- Simultaneous control of up to four aircraft squadrons
- 5 different missions (Combat Air Patrol / Intercept / Escort / Close Air Support / Reconnaissance)
- 20 Missions and 80 different stages, 20 Quest
- 25 Kinds of pilot characters
- 70 Types of aircraft
- 18 Types of items
- Pilot ranking system available to access Shoot down record.
- The Voice director makes you feel the Battle of the vibrant.


03 marzo 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.2 e superiori



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