[ANDROID] Pocket Salsa v2.14 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 24.03.2014, 11:57
Viste: 825
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Impara a ballare la Salsa direttamente sul tuo Android !!


Learn to dance salsa with over 100 easy to follow salsa dance lessons videos by the famous instructors of Addicted2Salsa! The teaching methodology will make it easy to get started dancing and show you how to do fun moves with ease! Learn to find the salsa beat with our included rhythm tracks, and much more!

Main application features:
* Download and watch easy to follow salsa dance lesson moves anywhere in the world, without an internet connection! All the dance lessons are in English.
* Learn to find the salsa dance rhythm with our intrument tracks!
* Watch all of the salsa dance video episodes of the Addicted2Salsa dance TV show.
* Learn and become inspired with some of the selected videoclips of the best salsa social dancing in the world!

24 febbraio 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android



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