[ANDROID] Clone Yourself - Camera v1.3.0 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 13.04.2014, 08:21
Viste: 706
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Rende facile e divertente moltiplicare se stessi nelle foto !!


Have you ever been bored that there is only one of you? Clone Yourself makes it easy and fun to multiply yourself in photographs, share with friends and have a laugh. Simply, the app will take images of you in different positions and combine them into one, crazy photograph. Clone Yourself makes hours of editing work into minutes of fun - it has never been this easy to clone yourself!

To get started, easily take multiple images of yourself - then, highlight yourself in each one. Clone Yourself will work its magic and combine multiple people into a single image - suddenly there are clones of you! Have your own twin, triplet or quadruplet and have all of your friends asking to ‘clone me!’. It is fun, crazy and hilarious! Make funny poses or simply interact with your clones.

Clone Yourself is the first and only cloning tool available on the Google Play store - get it whilst it’s hot! Save the photo to share on Facebook, Twitter. Clone Yourself is the best way to get a clone photo within minutes - without spending hours image editing. This intuitive application can provide hours of endless fun and is definitely a conversation starter!

Multiply yourself - Clone Yourself!

- Clone yourself in images easily and fast: cloning has never been this fun!
- First and exclusive to Android!
- A work of art with minimal effort!
- Share to your favorite social networks

12 aprile 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.3.3 e superiori



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