[ANDROID] Bass Guitar Tutor Pro vDoobie .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 13.04.2014, 16:31
Viste: 603
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Impara a suonare il basso con il tuo Android !!


Adjust the width or height of the fretboard to suit your playing style or device. Go smaller to see the whole fretboard or go larger for a real life size!
The fingered bass sound has professionally recorded digitised Fender Jazz Bass guitar sounds for each separate note.
Focus on sections of the song to master those bass lines, patterns and scales.
Adjust the speed and volume for playing along.
Highlight notes on/off to play by ear.
Immersion's Touch Sense Haptic Feedback.
No advertising.

*****Bass Lines*****
Songs cover all genres: Rock, Indie, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, Naughties, Modern, Latin, Classical, Film Themes, TV Themes, Traditional. The pro version has ever expanding catalog of bass lines which include:
Alice Cooper,
Axel F, Black Sabbath,
Blind Melon,
Blue Oyster Cult,
Bob Marley,
Deep Purple,
Def Leppard,
Donna Summer,
Fleetwood Mac
...and more

09 aprile 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.2 e superiori

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