[ANDROID] Instant: Polaroid Instant Cam v1.0.16 .apk - MULTI ITA

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 18.04.2014, 19:16
Viste: 831
Commenti: 2
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La migliore macchina fotografica Polaroid

ora finalmente su Android !!


Instant app mimics the workflow of a real classic Polaroid instant camera, with realistic visual and sound effects. Upon selecting or shooting a photo, an "undeveloped" dark Polaroid film slides out from the top of the screen. Slowly the film is developed and the final picture unveils.

The app comes with 30 unique vintage style photo filters, with 10 of them closely mimicking the effects of various classic Polaroid films. Each filter is adjustable in strength, vignette and emulsion artifacts, adding even more realistic Polaroid look. Users may also add text to their Polaroid photo, selecting from 10 handwriting style fonts. Text can be freely resized, rotated and moved around by finger gestures. Users can also adjust the effect of the Polaroid border, such as choosing from 26 different colors, adding crosshatch, stain, wrinkle and fingerprints on to the border.

The Polaroid photos can be saved to your photo library and easily shared via Email, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr and Instagram (requires Instagram app pre-installed).

Feature Highlights:
* Creative and fun user interface produces realistic experience of Polaroid instant photography
* 30 photo effects including 10 uniquely designed for Polaroid effects
* Adjustable filter effects including intensity, vignette, emulsion and grain
* 10 handwriting fonts for adding text to your photo
* 26 color borders, adjustable crosshatch, stain, wrinkle and fingerprints effects
* Easily share via Email, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr and Instagram

18 aprile 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
3.0 e superiori




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  1. | Pubblicato 18 Aprile 2014 20:56

    ma perche non mettete dei siti serii dove scaricare e non dove si aprono mille pagine e possibili virus

    siate serii

  2. | Pubblicato 5 Maggio 2014 07:39

    Quote: GGimy69
    ma perche non mettete dei siti serii dove scaricare e non dove si aprono mille pagine e possibili virus
    siate serii

    ma che virus e virus! ora quasi tutti gli host includono pubblicità, perchè sai non si campa di solo aria visto che di fare account premium nenche a parlarne. perchè invece non imparare a scaricare usando come browser firefox con nonpermesso plus?

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