[ANDROID] iLoader for Facebook v3.1.2 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 21.04.2014, 11:28
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Stanco di caricare una foto o un video alla volta su FB?

Allora iLoader fa proprio al caso tuo !!


✓ Tired of uploading ONE photo or video at a time?
✓ Wish you could upload hundreds of photos/videos at once?
✓ Then you will LOVE iLoader

iLoader - the most popular Facebook photo and video batch uploader from iOS with more than 1.5 million users is finally available on Android! iLoader takes the tedious uploading process and makes it fun and easier than ever! Don’t take our word for it - check out the screenshots and reviews to decide for yourself!

★★★ Photo Upload ★★★
✓ Super fast multi-photo selection
✓ Add captions and tag friends in photos
✓ Rotate, crop or flip photo
✓ Adjust photo brightness, contrast, saturation, color, sharpen or blur
✓ Fix redeye, blemish, whiten teeth in photo
✓ Make your photo interesting by adding text, Meme or draw on it
✓ Create cool photo effects with 10 build-in filters including vintage, simplify, indiglow, day dream, etc...
✓ Create new photo albums and set privacy from within iLoader
✓ Upload regular or full resolution photos
✓ Continue uploading in background even after you exit iLoader
✓ Batch upload multiple photos to Facebook in one shot
✓ Show progress when uploading with pause and resume

★★★ Video Upload ★★★
✓ Add video titles, descriptions and set privacy/permissions
✓ Playback videos to make sure they are perfect before uploading
✓ Upload full resolution videos
✓ Continue uploading even after you exit iLoader
✓ Batch upload multiple videos to Facebook in one shot
✓ Show progress when uploading with pause and resume

★★★ Other Features ★★★
✓ Share with from Gallery
✓ Cool UI and sound effects
✓ NO INTERNET CONNECTION? NO PROBLEM. iLoader can do everything except upload without an Internet connection
✓ Save selections and edits and later resume where you left off
✓ Work on 3G or Wifi

28 febbraio 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.3 e superiori






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