[ANDROID] MinMinGuard (AD Remover) v1.7.1 beta .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 21.04.2014, 11:47
Viste: 918
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Per rimuovere completamente la pubblicità

all'interno di una applicazione !!


This is an app that completely remove ads inside apps and provide following functions which is better than AdBlock:

1. Totally remove the advertisement. You can notice that AdBlock and AdAway only stops showing the ad content, but it can not remove the empty field that was originally taken by the ad. MinMinGuard can totally remove the empty field!

2. Lightweight. Alternative ad removing apps (AdBlock etc) constantly run a background VPN service, which puts a heavy loading on the system. MinMinGuard does not need to run a VPN service, so it saves system resources and, thus, extends the battery life.

3. Per App Setting. MinMinGuard lets you choose which apps you want to remove ads from. If you only want to remove ads from several apps, MinMinGuard is your best solution.

API-based blocking: GMS admob ad network added
API-based blocking: chartboost ad network added

21 aprile 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.2 e superiori


NB: richiede i permessi di root per funzionare correttamente.


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